17 May 2013


Well...it's been just over a month since I last posted anything, things have been really crazy (to put it lightly)...it's almost the end of the year and I am SO happy. Even though I am behind on class work, I can't wait until the year is over. I'm contemplating on taking some summer courses, but with having Ali for half of the summer and (possibly) working fulltime, I'm not sure that is going to be a good idea. We'll see what happens. Other than that...life has been...weird. My moods are more unpredictable, again, my shrink won't listen to me and the VA is driving me nuts with all the hoops I am having to jump through. It is like being in the military all over again...hurry up and wait. Annoying, but tollerable. However, my ex is (as usual) being an ass. I can't wait for this bull shit to be over with as well...what stress I am having to deal with is mostly due to this stupid divorce, though I'm not letting it get to me...if I do it will just make me feel more like crap.I had an interview today for a potential decent paying job for the summer today...I'm optomistic on how it went and if I will get the job or not...we shall see. Things have just been crap...it seems like the harder I try on something the worse it gets....it is almost like everything is caving in on me. I hate this feeling.