18 May 2012

Why Even?

I don't even know why I even show up to this stupid class...maybe it's just to get my name on the attendance the sheet, who knows. But it's not like the teacher pays a lick of attention to me. He quit paying attention to me when I started having medication issues mid-quarter...when it became apparent I wasn't going to pass the class. It was as though he just gave up on me. Now he just lets me sit in the back of the class and do whatever I want to do and doesn't even care. We have a test coming up next week, which I at least have to take, and he's yet to at least make an attempt to go over any of the information that's going to be on the test with me. I've quit doing any of the online information, because he won't explain any of it to me. I've sent so many emails on the same problem that I quit trying. I'm now stuck having to pay another $1,000 next quarter to take this class, yet again. Yeah, I know it's slightly medication related...but I've watched him spend extra time with one single student and ignore other students as well...so it's not just me. I know that he's just one teacher and most of this is online based but for crying out loud...don't spend all your time on just one student...if there's a few students that need extra help and they're in about the same section, group them together and explain it to them all at one time not just one person at a time...spending 20 minutes on one person (unless it's after class time). I know I'm not the only one that feels this way, because I've heard other students grumble about this after class. I know one student that is going to have to take this next quarter that made the same comment to egbert (we have the same adviser). Next quarter is going to be interesting...hopefully they've got my meds fixed.

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