06 December 2012


This SUCKS!!! I'm stuck in Seattle for another day. Went up to the courthouse this morning only to find out that my court date got pushed back a day...so now I have to wait until tomorrow morning to finalize this freaking divorce and fight to get Bug back. I was hoping to have this whole mess over and done with today. She has no clue that mom and dad are going to court, again...right now I think that may be a good thing, because I don't want to get her hopes up that she'll be able to go back home...she calls Walla Walla home. I want to tell her, but at the same time I know it's for the best that I don't...not yet.
Other than that...things have been going pretty good. I've learned, while here in the Seattle area, how much I appreciate the simplicity of living in Walla Walla. There's way fewer buses, and the drivers actually know their routs and most of the other routs. Out here, because of how many routs there are and how long their routs are...most of the drivers only know the main stops and don't know any of the other routs, it made taking the bus out here really interesting. I, kinda', know how to get to some places out here...and have resorted to asking other passengers (if I get lost) how to get to where I'm going. I've also discovered that I really don't miss having a mall close by. Yeah, it's nice to go to...but it's not really that big of a deal. I went to the mall out here (it was a smaller one) and wasn't really impressed. I got sushi from the Japanese restaurant inside the mall and was less than impressed...it made the sushi served in the caff look high quality. It's interesting how much, mentally, a person can change in just a year...which is about how long I've lived in Walla Walla. I've gotten used to living in a "small town" area...that the city doesn't impress me that much. It's nice to visit, but right now I couldn't see myself living out here. I used to imagine myself living in the city...now I don't know. I could work in a larger city, but not live there. *sigh* I miss my apartment.
This also sucks because I'm going to miss my therapist appointment tomorrow, I had to re-schedule my appointment with Pedrito, I'm supposed to turn a bunch of classwork in tomorrow, and I have a review for a final (the one I'm most concerned about) tomorrow...this is really messing things up for me. Oi! I was mentally prepared to be in court this morning...now I'm...I don't know how I'm going to handle going in court tomorrow. I just hope that I don't have to get up at 5a again tomorrow...we'll see...

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