09 January 2013


The beginning of this week started off pretty stressful, not knowing if I was going to make financial clearence or not. I had to get my math grade up from last quarter from a "IF" (incomplete "F") to a "C"...which meant catching up on all of my homework assignments from last quarter, which I did over Christmas break, and my quizzes. Down fall...I got locked out of the system and couldn't do my quizzes online. I had to get in touch with my professor and get a printed copy of each of the missing quizzes. I finally got them yesterday, and sat down for almost 5 hours to get them all done (my brain felt like mush by the time I was done). After finishing them, I had to wait until today to find out if I scored high enough to get my grade up. I showed up to the class to talk to my professor to find out if I needed to re-do any of the quizzes...he got to the class and asked me if I'd received his email, when I told him "no" he then told me that I'd passed the class. I went directly from the class to student finance to get my financial clearance finalized. I've been on "Cloud 9" over that all day. To top that off...this week I've been called "sir" twice, so far, from my religion professor - which is AWESOME!!! It's made my day each time he's done that. I ran into one of the gals that I used to work for yesterday and she'd commented that my voice has gotten deeper since last time she saw me (which was a week or two before winter break)...even more awesomeness :)

Life Is Good!!!

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