03 January 2013


Things have been like a roller coaster ride lately...I had Bug for a good portion of my winter break, which was nice. I just feel bad because part of that time, I just didn't want to deal with people and so we stayed home and didn't do anything. I'm having to readjust to being back on the testosterone, and I'm on a lower dosage as well....I'm sure it won't take much time to readjust, I'm just wondering what effect the lower dosage will have, if any. Last week I spent three days (totaling ten hours) with a math tutor, and then three hours today catching up on homework assignments and quizzes for my math class from last quarter. Originally I was being given until this coming Monday, I managed to get a few extra days because of the fact that my quizzes have to be proctored. I'm hopeful that I'm able to get my grade up to at least a "C" by getting all this stuff done...otherwise it'll be time wasted. I averaged about a 95% on all of my homework, and have been averaging (approximately) a 70% on my quizzes, but homework and quizzes only account for a cumulative 30% of my grade...I'm praying that my final turned out to be a higher score than my other tests. Math is definitely not my best subject. I'm told, however, that the one math course that I have to take for my major, I might do better in...I just have to make it through the last 1/2 of the one I'm working on. I'm debating on taking a quarter off from math, but at the same time I'm worried that if I do, I'll forget what I've been working on. If I take it, I'll have to wait another year before finishing my general psychology series. *sigh* this is frustrating. I'm trying to get my general studies classes knocked out, but at the same time I'm trying to get my classes for my major knocked out as well. Aaaaaggggghhhhhhh...... This quarter is going to drive me nuts...oh wait, too late. ;) lol

....anyways. My brother suggested, a few days ago, that I shave...which had that suggestion come out of anyone else, would have been embarrassing. Gotta' love his bluntness. Which I did end up shaving and now my upper-lip feels naked...it's weird. I hope that it grows back soon. I'm sure that when it does, it'll likely be darker :) - it just seems to be taking forever to grow back (btw, it's only been two days). My new year's resolution is to be who myself, regardless to what people around me (friends and family included) think...I've gotten so tired of "tap-dancing" around other people's comfort levels. I need to do what makes me happy, which is being myself. This is not going to be an easy resolution to keep, but with going one day at a time...I'll be able to fulfill it.

"Above all else; to thin own self be true..." ~William Shakespeare

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