12 January 2013

Week 1 Winter Quarter '13

First week of Winter Quarter went well, I found out on Wednesday that I passed my math class from last quarter. I'm just hoping I didn't take more than I can handle with my classes, but I'm sure I'll do fine...just as long as I can keep up with all of the reading for two of my classes. Yesterday my math professor - who knows I'm genetically female, because I had him last quarter - called me "sir" yesterday and when he corrected himself I told him that "sir" is fine. I got one of those o_O looks, where he clearly wasn't sure why I said that, I'm debating on explaining to him why. Though I'm unsure if I should or just leave it as it is. Eh. I also got called "sir" by my religion professor three times this week :) I'm not even going to correct him, I want to see how long he uses male pronouns when referring to me.
My transition, with the testosterone injections, is going well (I think). My having to shave a week and a half ago was interesting...but the hair is finally (slowly) growing back, and its darker than it was before :) I might have to shave again in a week or so, which will be cool. I'm just waiting to shave again, to see how long it takes to grow in somemore and how dark the hair is. I'm having to watch my temper quite a bit more lately...there are days that I take an alternate rout to class, so I can avoid too many people. I had one guy accidentally bump into me and I was ready to deck him, and then when I was at the student activity center (SAC) one guy changed the channel to basketball and I nearly hit him as well, I ended up having to leave. I don't like feeling this way. I still have just under 2 months before I see the shrink about my medication, though I may see my PCP about upping one of my medications. I know that the testosterone injections are part of the aggression/anger issues, but I was told that my medication may need to be adjusted because of it. Which, at this point, I'm fine with...
I have Bug this weekend, yay!!! Though I think she's pretty tired, because she's usually out of bed by now. Eh. I'm letting her sleep, she likely needs it. Though I feel bad, because I'm going to have to work on my homework while she's here...again. I'm going to have to, next month, try to get all of my homework done before she comes for her visit. Or atleast most of it.

Life is good.

God loves me for who I am and where I'm at in my journey...
and if other people don't, then oh well.

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