31 January 2014

Yet another day...

I'm trying to be better at writing at least once a week...I used to write almost every day, but that was before I started back in school. Now it's like I have no life outside of work and school. *sigh* I wish I had more time for my friends, family, and stuff that I'd like to do...
oh well...

Today just started off crappy and pretty much went down hill from there. I woke up earlier than I wanted to and couldn't fall back to sleep. Then when I went to the coffee shop that is university owned and student run, there (literally) wasn't anyone there working, turned out that the person who was supposed to be there had to leave early and didn't make sure that someone would be there to cover for her. LAME!!! I waited 15 minutes before I was finally able to get my freaking coffee, and then I made it to class only to discover that it was made wrong. *sigh* I ended up going back after class and getting another cup of coffee because today was the one day (this quarter) that the psychology club was doing free drink at the coffee shop. The caffeine helped make the day a little more tolerable. The one thing that sucks right now is my therapist is taking some time off and so I won't see her again until mid-March...I have no one I can really talk to. I did finally get my medication filled for my ADD...only took (almost) the entire month! I'm not sure if it's because of insurance or my doctor. Who knows? All I know is that I can't smoke pot anymore, or else he won't prescribe me the medication. It sucks! I have to quit the one thing that helps stabilize my moods so that I can get the medication that helps with my ADD. Too bad the pot can't help with that as well. *sigh* Eh...

One good thing that happened, when I went to Wal-Mart I found this super cute stuffed monkey and then I found a box of Valentine's cookies and the box is shaped like a monkey's head, so I got those for Ali...because she is my little monkey. I'm debating on holding on to them and giving them to her for Valentine's Day or sending them to her for a "just because" gift. I know that she'll love it no matter when she gets 'em.

School has been a whole other ball of stress...I'm not sure I'm going to stay here at WWU after this year. I'm looking at switching schools at the end of the year, partly to be closer to Ali and partly because no matter how hard I may try, I just don't fit in on this campus - I'm still "the odd ball out". Yeah, I have my small group of friends that I enjoy hanging out with...when we all have the time. I would invite them over for lunch or something on a weekend, but I doubt they would have the time - that and with as crowded as we all are here, adding more people would just raise my anxiety level through the roof. I'm thinking when it warms up during spring quarter, we can all plan a park day and do a "potluck" picnic. I dunno'? We tried it last year and hardly anyone showed up.

I need a vacation...I need to get a better paying job, so that I can afford to go on vacation...

I hate being me sometimes. It sucks!

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