04 February 2014

Which one of these is not like the other...

I remember when my daughter was little her playing this game with one of her therapists (I think it was the speech therapist), "which one of these is not like the other?" And the whole point of it was to figure out how one object/thing was not like the rest. I have discovered that as people we often tend to "play" that game with each other, and those who are not like everyone else...well they just get treated differently, like they are a lesser person. The weird thing is, it's not JUST the heterosexual community that does it...the gay community is just as guilty. Being part of the LGBT community, I often get treated as though I'm a lesser part of that community...why? All because I'm bisexual and transgender. I have noticed for many years that the LGBT community tends to treat bisexuals differently, because "they can't make up their minds"...and then me being transgender - OMG!!! I thought the stigma behind being bisexual was bad...but shit! The people that I thought would be the most accepting, they're some of the LEAST accepting. I'm tired of it...I'm tired of being treated like "the odd ball out". I'm tired of having to dumb things down just to ensure that people around me understand what I'm talking about. I've been dumbing things down for so freaking long that my vocabulary has been effected by it. I want to rebuild my vocabulary...words, unlike riding a bike, are something that if you don't use them you forget them and their meanings. Last time I had an IQ test done on me my IQ score was in the 120 range. I'm not the idiot that some may think I am or that I may be perceived as. I would just rather not come across as one of those people who flaunt their intelligence. I think one of my problems with my classes is the fact that I get bored really easily. Next quarter I'm going to take two classes that are "serious" classes and the rest of my classes I might take classes that I want to take (fun classes). One of the classes that I'm looking at taking is a pottery class. I love being able to do things with my hands (no double entendre intended) and so I want to take a class where I get the chance to work with my hands and enjoy what I'm doing...this is not to say that I don't enjoy my psychology classes, because those are classes that I really enjoy being able to take. I am just at a point with my psychology classes where I can not take anymore until I pass the required math course.

I SO can not wait until the end of this year...I will hopefully get accepted into the school I am applying to and be able to save up the money to move and put money down for my tuition, then I'm getting the hell out of here and going where no one knew me before my transitioning. I'll miss the friends who I have become close to and I'll miss the family that I have out here...but I need a semi-fresh start. I need to be some place where people are more accepting. I just figure that if I'm meant to go there, then things will work out...if I'm not meant to be there and G-d wants me to stay here, then I will be fine with that as well. But there is only so much that one person can do on a conservative campus to try to make a difference. I know that I have made an impact on this campus, because people are not as bad (not everyone though) as they were when I first started going here. People are more aware that no matter the sexual orientation or gender identity of a person, that we are all people and that we all deserve to be treated equally. I think the most important impact that I have made on this campus is the need for equality. I just hope that even after I leave this campus, whenever that may be, that the impact that I have made continues...

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