14 February 2014


So this week has been just one thing after another with my ex. First we had agreed to have Bug dropped off at our, court ordered, meet up place early so that no one is stuck driving in the dark...we both agreed to that - that was some time around Tuesday. Then last night I get a call saying that our agreed upon plan is going to be a no go...then I get a call this morning that the meet up point is going to have to change due to "weather conditions". The changed meet up would have added an hour to my drive time, I had planned on getting a rental car...then I called the rental car place to check to see what the total for the rental car is going to be, because the insurance I am on doesn't cover rental cars I would have to get insurance through the car rental company, which is ridiculously ridiculously expensive. I'm just so stressed that my stomach is not liking me...I've already gotten sick once.


Thanks to my brother and his wife, I was able to make it to pick up Bug at the meet up point. Though my ex was a jerk during the pick up...I have her for the long weekend :) Yay! I'm just hoping to be able to keep my mood in check. What didn't terribly surprise me was the number of people that were with him (there was him, the driver and two other people)...kind of ridiculous. As if I'm going to start a scene or do anything stupid in a public location. I just look at it as my ex not being the brightest color in the box. I wish I would have realized how destructive my ex was being towards my mental health sooner. Ever since us separating, except for the stress of not having my daughter, I've been quite a bit less stressed and able to be myself without ridicule from anyone that I live with. My brother, his wife and kids are all cool with me being transgender and they love and accept me for who I really am no matter what. It's great having people around me who really care about me...it's something that I have not experienced for the eleven and a half (or so) years that my ex and I were together...hell I also did not experience it most of my teen years, when I "came out". Now, my family - adopted and some of my biological - are pretty accepting of me. My life has become a bit easier because of this. I still have times where my moods are a bit "out of whack", but that's the joy of having the mental health issues that I do. I'm finally comfortable with being myself, though I do still have some issues with public restrooms...especially when Bug is here. When she's here, I will often hold it until we get back to the house....if we're at the movies, I'll go while she's either playing video games or in watching the movie. She knows I'm transgender, but I'm not sure how much she understands that it entails. I wish there was a way for her to better understand.

...all in time.

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