04 June 2012

Oi, Finals!

Okay, so today was the first day of finals...had a staff meeting last night from 9p-almost 11p. I'm SO tired. Then to top it off I had an appointment with my shrink. I made up a list off all the medications that I could remember that I've been on and gave him a copy of it. I also told him that from this point on I'm going to trust his judgement on my medication, I'll just tell him about any side effects that I may have. But I'm letting him make the calls, for the most part, on my medications. Right now I don't think that I could make any proper calls when it comes to my meds. I would probably disagree with everything at this point. The one weird side effect that I've been dealing with is, it feels like I have bugs crawling all over me...which is making me a bit paranoid, because I really don't like bugs. He lowered the one medication that I'm still on back down to the dose I was on when I first started seeing him to see if that is the cause. He also put me on an anti-anxiety med., which he doesn't want me to start for 3 days so that it gives me time to see if the other medication is the cause of the side effect that I'm dealing with. We'll see if any of this works. Other than that, I only had one exam today...which was turning in my take home final from one of my psych teachers. Tomorrow I have 2 finals, which I'm only worried about one of them. So, for the most part that will be an easy day. Then on Wednesday I only have one and then I am finished until fall quarter. Yay! I can't wait till Friday, I get to sleep in :) Bug's last day is Thursday and RJ's last day is Thursday as well...but he's taking classes during the summer. So, I will finally get some time with Bug. This quarter I've hardly gotten any time with her, which I feel really bad about. But she gets me for the entire summer, which will be fun. I'm just hoping that my other psych final (tomorrow) and my English final (Wednesday) go well...my other psych class I have to do good on my final to keep my GPA up. Right now I have an overall 3.5 GPA which I'd like to keep it around there if possible. Well, I need to take at least a quick nap before I get my papers that I have to write knocked out. Yay for summer :) !

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