01 June 2012

Spring Finals

So, spring finals are next week...hoping to do well on my Psych and English finals, those are the only two left that I'm concerned about. I already know I'm going to fail my math class, that was made clear two or three weeks ago by my teacher...but he also mentioned that most of it has to do with medication issues, which I've been having quite a bit of this quarter. I'm hoping to get everything straightened out before fall quarter. The one class I'm 100% not worried about is my Psych 130 class, mostly because I have a "B+" in the class and once I turn in my 67 question (take home) final, my grade will likely go up to a low/mid "A" which will be cool. My English class I'm not too terribly worried about, the take home portion is easy for me...all I have to do is write a paragraph for one of the questions and a page and a half to two pages for the second question, simple for me. The one thing that's been passing me in that class this quarter is my writing, I've failed every quiz/test this quarter but I've nailed every writing assignment. Go figure? The one thing I'm good at is what passes me in my English class. I'm just hoping to be able to pull together this paper for my Psych class, the final is open book and she told me to write notes in my book. Anything that is written in my book I can use. I think the main reason she told me this and no one else is because I HAVE to make a good grade on my final to not fail the class. So, I'm gradually going through the study guide that she posted on D2L and the one from last year, that she gave me, and highlighting all of the answers to the questions :) chances are those will be close to the same answers that are on the final. I'm hoping to do well on her final. English I can, likely, fail the in class portion and still pass the class. Other than that, things have been going okay which is good. I'm going to be taking the summer off to spend some time with Bug and relax some as well, though RJ's taking classes through the summer. I hope that he does well on his finals as well, I'll be able to help him out more during the summer which will be good for him. He's been getting some help from me this quarter, but I've been having to focus a lot on completing my work because I had been having trouble being able to focus majority this quarter on my classes. Like I mentioned I'm hoping to get my medication fixed before the fall, but in order to do that I REALLY have to trust my doctor QUICK...otherwise my medication will never get fixed.

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