19 October 2012

My week...thus far

This week started off pretty rough...had my visit with Bug this past weekend, then I had to bring her back to the meet-up point only to have her say almost the entire ride there that she didn't want to go. When we got there she spotted "dad" and bolted back in the car saying "I don't want to go." That broke my heart, because I didn't want her to go either. Then this week; Monday- I had my intake appointment (all over again) with my therapist's office - insurance issues - and missed most of my classes. Tuesday- I had a complete emotional breakdown in my first class and missed the rest of my classes during the day, with the exception of my psych class (only because I woke up in time for it). Wednesday- I told my family that I'm transgender, only to be dis-owned (joy). THEN...things got better :) I came to the conclusion that if they don't want to talk to me or have anything to do with me, then that's their choice and I'm not one to impede on their choice. Thursday- Got to go see "Seventh Gay Adventist" and LOVED it!!! I felt so comfortable even being in such a large crowd (which is unusual for me) without going through an anxiety attack. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I know most of the people there are accepting of the LGBT community and I didn't have to worry about being looked at funny or criticized. It was one of the best nights ever :) Today- I get to interview the producers of the movie....YAY!!! I'm so excited :) :) :) and I get to start seeing my therapist again :) Oddly, I miss being able to see her...I think it has to do with the fact that I was finally becoming comfortable with talking to her and not holding back. I hope that the rest of the day goes as well as yesterday :)

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