18 February 2014

Never Enough Time

What little time I get with my daughter never seems like enough...when I have her, time always seems to fly by. It always breaks my heart to have to bring her back to my ex...I just want her to stay with me, just one more day, one more moment, one more memory. It's never enough. I love her to death. Life is SO unfair. I did everything over the almost two years of waiting to have everything finalized to show that I am more fit than my ex...yet the asshole ended up with custody. At first my ex tried using the fact that I'm transgender and going through the steps of having my gender changed, thankfully the judge did not accept that as a valid reason for me being considered "unfit"...then he pull the "mentally unstable" card and the judge believed his bullshit. I should have never had my therapist write a letter at all, that way my ex had no proof of me being in counseling, on medication or my diagnosis. I need my daughter...I need more time with her. She needs me in her life as well...she needs to live with me and not in the ghetto that she is currently living in. The apartment complex that she is living in is a dump - I (thanks to my brother's help) dropped her off at my ex's apartment and we (my brother and I) had to hold our breath when we walked by the laundry room area going back to the car...it stunk that bad. OMG...if the laundry room, where everyone in the complex does their laundry stinks that bad - what does that say about the apartments? Yiesh! At least with me, she would be in a safe environment where she can safely go out and play and not have to worry about anything.

It's never enough time with her...just one more day, one more moment, one more memory - is that too much to ask?

16 February 2014

Free to be myself??? Really?

This is something that I have struggled with for years...the ability to REALLY be myself. There are still times that I can't be true to myself. The small things that people take for granted each and every day tend to be an on going struggle for me - for instance, going to the bathroom...I've become accustom to going to whatever gender neutral bathroom (or single bathroom) I can find, especially here on campus; however, there is not always one available for me to utilize. What then??? Well, I (if it's empty) use the men's restroom and if someone enters the bathroom while I'm in there I will either try to slip out without them noticing or wait until they leave and then leave as quick as I can...though a lot of the time I find myself holding it. I think the longest, this quarter, I've had to hold it was two class periods (about two hours). I know that I shouldn't have to do that, but I'm still scared of repercussions of using the bathroom for which I gender identify as. As much as I really enjoy going to school here, I'm not sure how much more I can handle it. I still get rude comments from some of the other students here, yet if I'm back at the point to where I feel like if I tell anyone they're not going to believe me...so I go without saying anything anymore. I can't remember what they look like, so it's not like I can report them...I could remember their voice if I heard it again, but their face - I'm not sure. It's like I got called an "it" last week by another student...now, normally I would be able to "shake it off" and not have it bother me, but I was already in a low point - emotionally. I hate feeling like this, especially when Bug is here...I was hoping to get past this. Lately, little things seem to be setting me off...and then when I get asked if everything is okay, I want to answer "no"...but the only thing I can seem to give is that things are fine or okay. The main reason that I'm not saying that, "no things are not okay" is because I'm not sure exactly what is wrong. So, it would be pointless for me to say that things are not okay, because I would not be able to say why things are not okay. There are even times around my brother and his family where I'm not 100% comfortable with being myself...I wore a tank top once, and only once, and could tell that my brother was not completely comfortable with it...hence the "only once". If I am wearing just a tank top, it's only in my room...my room seems to be the only place I can TRUELY be myself, everywhere else is more of a "neutral zone". I know that because my brother and his family knew me before I started to transition, things are still a bit rough...especially since I've had my top surgery. I also know that they love and accept me for who I am and what not...hell maybe it's  my emotions being "out of whack". Who the hell knows anymore. All I do know is that I can't REALLY be myself all of the time, not like I would like to. That and, since my transition, there are a lot of people who I kind of looked up to and though were friends who now treat me like a lesser person... it makes life rough, because I don't know who is really my friend and who is just a "sometimes friend". It's kind of like the Tuesday LGBTQ meetings that I used to go to, I quit going because it was more like an LG(sometimes)B meeting...freaking forget the TQ. Being the most, obviously, different one there...I was left to feel like the odd ball out. It wasn't like they missed me when I wasn't there anyhow...I would get asked if I knew why other people hadn't shown up, but never once why I hadn't shown up. Hell, if I noticed someone wasn't there...next time I saw them I would ask them if they were okay and make some sort of comment asking how come I hadn't seen them...but that's just me. I try to show concern for those around me. Even during the Tuesday meetings I couldn't really be me, I tried it once (only once) and I got ignored for the rest of the meeting, anything I tried to say to be involved in the conversation got ignored. Most situations, I try not to talk much anymore...what I have to say doesn't seem to matter much anyhow.

All I want is to be accepted for who I am by people around me....

14 February 2014


So this week has been just one thing after another with my ex. First we had agreed to have Bug dropped off at our, court ordered, meet up place early so that no one is stuck driving in the dark...we both agreed to that - that was some time around Tuesday. Then last night I get a call saying that our agreed upon plan is going to be a no go...then I get a call this morning that the meet up point is going to have to change due to "weather conditions". The changed meet up would have added an hour to my drive time, I had planned on getting a rental car...then I called the rental car place to check to see what the total for the rental car is going to be, because the insurance I am on doesn't cover rental cars I would have to get insurance through the car rental company, which is ridiculously ridiculously expensive. I'm just so stressed that my stomach is not liking me...I've already gotten sick once.


Thanks to my brother and his wife, I was able to make it to pick up Bug at the meet up point. Though my ex was a jerk during the pick up...I have her for the long weekend :) Yay! I'm just hoping to be able to keep my mood in check. What didn't terribly surprise me was the number of people that were with him (there was him, the driver and two other people)...kind of ridiculous. As if I'm going to start a scene or do anything stupid in a public location. I just look at it as my ex not being the brightest color in the box. I wish I would have realized how destructive my ex was being towards my mental health sooner. Ever since us separating, except for the stress of not having my daughter, I've been quite a bit less stressed and able to be myself without ridicule from anyone that I live with. My brother, his wife and kids are all cool with me being transgender and they love and accept me for who I really am no matter what. It's great having people around me who really care about me...it's something that I have not experienced for the eleven and a half (or so) years that my ex and I were together...hell I also did not experience it most of my teen years, when I "came out". Now, my family - adopted and some of my biological - are pretty accepting of me. My life has become a bit easier because of this. I still have times where my moods are a bit "out of whack", but that's the joy of having the mental health issues that I do. I'm finally comfortable with being myself, though I do still have some issues with public restrooms...especially when Bug is here. When she's here, I will often hold it until we get back to the house....if we're at the movies, I'll go while she's either playing video games or in watching the movie. She knows I'm transgender, but I'm not sure how much she understands that it entails. I wish there was a way for her to better understand.

...all in time.

12 February 2014

Weakness Becomes Me

One thing about my life that I hate the most is my mental health "issues". It is something that I will have to deal with for the rest of my life...hell, I have had to deal with it my entire life, most of the time without being medicated. Now, I am medicated and still have my bouts of depression where I do not feel anything - I'm numb to most emotion, and when I do have moments of actually being able to have and show emotion, it's intense emotion (usually anger). I hate being angry...when I get angry I feel weak because often I do not know how to control my anger. When I sense it coming on, I usually try to hold it in so that I do not accidentally take it out on someone. Everything has building up so much lately, I do not know what to do...the one thing I did not want to do, I did. I needed some way of, I guess, having control over everything going on. I needed to know that I could still feel something other than anger. I needed a release. I wish I could say that it 100% helped, then my life would be easier. Now I feel anger, pain, shame, and frustration...I wish I could just shake this. Fuck...I need to by Friday, either that or bury everything deep down for the few days that I have Bug for. I do not get her nearly as much as I would like to, but I try to make what time I do have with her memorable (in a positive way). I haven not been at this point of being emotionally stuck in a very long time. What sucks the most is, the counselor that I see is taking time off and will not be back for about another month, and by the time they could get me in to see someone else she will likely be back. So, essentially, I am stuck with no one to really talk to. Yeah, I have my brother...but he has enough to deal with - I feel like I am a bother to him when I do ask to talk to him. I know that I have terrible timing, I always have...so I have gotten to the point here where I just keep most things to myself. I will ask his opinion on some stuff, but beyond that - I try to not talk to much about how I am really feeling. If asked, I give the simplest answer I can without getting too much into what is really going on. I love my brother and his family to death...they just have their own things that they have to deal with, I do not want to be a bother to them. I already feel like I am. I am learning to accept that I am weak and there really is not much I can do about it.

04 February 2014

Which one of these is not like the other...

I remember when my daughter was little her playing this game with one of her therapists (I think it was the speech therapist), "which one of these is not like the other?" And the whole point of it was to figure out how one object/thing was not like the rest. I have discovered that as people we often tend to "play" that game with each other, and those who are not like everyone else...well they just get treated differently, like they are a lesser person. The weird thing is, it's not JUST the heterosexual community that does it...the gay community is just as guilty. Being part of the LGBT community, I often get treated as though I'm a lesser part of that community...why? All because I'm bisexual and transgender. I have noticed for many years that the LGBT community tends to treat bisexuals differently, because "they can't make up their minds"...and then me being transgender - OMG!!! I thought the stigma behind being bisexual was bad...but shit! The people that I thought would be the most accepting, they're some of the LEAST accepting. I'm tired of it...I'm tired of being treated like "the odd ball out". I'm tired of having to dumb things down just to ensure that people around me understand what I'm talking about. I've been dumbing things down for so freaking long that my vocabulary has been effected by it. I want to rebuild my vocabulary...words, unlike riding a bike, are something that if you don't use them you forget them and their meanings. Last time I had an IQ test done on me my IQ score was in the 120 range. I'm not the idiot that some may think I am or that I may be perceived as. I would just rather not come across as one of those people who flaunt their intelligence. I think one of my problems with my classes is the fact that I get bored really easily. Next quarter I'm going to take two classes that are "serious" classes and the rest of my classes I might take classes that I want to take (fun classes). One of the classes that I'm looking at taking is a pottery class. I love being able to do things with my hands (no double entendre intended) and so I want to take a class where I get the chance to work with my hands and enjoy what I'm doing...this is not to say that I don't enjoy my psychology classes, because those are classes that I really enjoy being able to take. I am just at a point with my psychology classes where I can not take anymore until I pass the required math course.

I SO can not wait until the end of this year...I will hopefully get accepted into the school I am applying to and be able to save up the money to move and put money down for my tuition, then I'm getting the hell out of here and going where no one knew me before my transitioning. I'll miss the friends who I have become close to and I'll miss the family that I have out here...but I need a semi-fresh start. I need to be some place where people are more accepting. I just figure that if I'm meant to go there, then things will work out...if I'm not meant to be there and G-d wants me to stay here, then I will be fine with that as well. But there is only so much that one person can do on a conservative campus to try to make a difference. I know that I have made an impact on this campus, because people are not as bad (not everyone though) as they were when I first started going here. People are more aware that no matter the sexual orientation or gender identity of a person, that we are all people and that we all deserve to be treated equally. I think the most important impact that I have made on this campus is the need for equality. I just hope that even after I leave this campus, whenever that may be, that the impact that I have made continues...