17 August 2012

I've not a clue

I'm sitting here trying to figure out where the hell I went wrong? He's...the paperwork I just got delivered to me, it's not him. RJ taking off is not like him, he's not one to just runaway from a problem. He's not like that. Not the RJ I know... When you think you know someone, 11 years we've known eachother...you'd think that I'd know him. I guess I didn't.I don't know what forced him to write these lies about me. You think you know someone. He's trying to hold my mental health issues against me, saying that I'm "unpredictable." I won't lie, yes at one point I was...but that was when I was not on medication or not stable on my medication. I'm now in therapy, stable on my meds (which I have been for a few months now), and am predictable. He also claimed that we'd been "separated" since January...WTF?!?!? Hell, we were still having sex in January...where the hell is he coming up with we were separated (sleeping in different rooms) since January from...is he pulling this shit out of his ass?!?!? I know where he's getting most of these lies, from the bitch and her ex!!!! Fuck 'em!!! He wants the parenting plan he put together...he's going to fight me for it!!! The one I put together has it to where we get her for about the same amount of time. That way she gets to spend 1/2 the time with me 1/2 the time with him. I'm being MORE than generous with the parenting plan I came up with. I don't want this whole issue to drag out or hurt her. She deserves to get to see us for equal amounts of time. Not one majority of the time and the other 3-5 days out of the year...SUPERVISED!!! Screw that noise....AHHHHHHHHH......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn it! I hate feeling like this. I don't like getting angry. I hate it.

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