18 November 2012


This week is going to be interesting...I have Bug for the week, and I'm finding that if I make smart ass remarks under my breath that she not only hears them (from across the room) but repeats them as well. She told my mom that her dad lives in "another state" and I mumbled "of mind" and that's what she told my mom...thankfully she found Bug's remark of great humor. But I do need to watch what I say.

I had some pretty weird dreams last night...you'd think I had gotten high or something. The first one - I had somehow managed to convince my doctor to proscribe me the testosterone shots that I REALLY want to start taking and miraculously the insurance covered them. Within a matter if weeks, I started getting the MUCH wanted results...and then se. I essentially didn't have to go through the full surgery. I was VERY happy. The second dream, was wild...I ha a dream that I took Bug to the pet store to get a new rodent, and they were all crazy Neon colours. That dream I can't even begin to explain. It was a crazy night with plenty more to come.

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