19 November 2012


It has been a crazy but fun past two days...yesterday we had to go to the store to get food (good concept) then Bug played Kinect Adventure, which is hilarious to watch...today we went to Petco to replace her gerbils that died, she got a hamster instead. I feel bad, tomorrow I have my niece watching her for a couple of hours so I can go on a date (meeting up for coffee), but it's the this week is the only time she has free until mid next week. I rather like her, but she doesn't know about Bug...I don't know how she'll take the idea of me having a kid. I've not gone out with anyone in a long time, this is date #2 and I'm debating on telling her...I know I should be honest with her, but I'm trying to figure out how to tell someone who may not want a kid. *sigh* All I know is I'm going to be me and hope for the best, I'm not expecting anything more than to just have a good time having a cup of coffee with her...anything more than that is well ;) "bonus" ;)

Telling my brother about my date was...interesting. I hadn't told him about the first one...hell I wasn't sure there was going to be a second one. I'm glad that there is a second one... :) Hopefully the weather is more cooperative tomorrow than it is today. Bug and I were going to go to the park today, but the weather says otherwise. Oi! Why does it seem that when she comes in to see me, the weather goes to crap??? I'm hopeful for a good day tomorrow. :)

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