09 April 2012

Interesting Day

Well, today was an interesting day...my Professor, Professor Egbert, had me volunteer some of my time today to speak in front of one of his other psych classes about who I really am. That was rather interesting, but all in the same it was cool because I didn't hold back on anything. Which was something I'm not used to...I put myself out of my normal comfort zone...it was COOL!!! I'm glad that I'm able to be myself without the restrictions of who I really am. The thing I figured out over the last week or two...instead of getting mad at the people who wrong me by disrespecting me, those are the people who I pray for the most. Those are the ones that need prayer the most. I've learned SO much these past few weeks, I'm amazed at myself. I'm finally coming out of my skin and feeling comfortable with who/what I am and what I represent as an individual. It's GREAT. Yeah, I do still have my bad days, and I believe I will continue to have them until they get me on the right mix of medication...then my uncontrollable bad days will eventually become fewer and fewer. I've also come to terms with the fact that I am Bipolar with BPD and at times Narcissistic...but it's part of me. It doesn't define me, I won't allow it to define who I am as a person.

Oh, and to top my day off...found out that an article that I had written just before Spring Break is getting published in my school's paper, The Collegian, this week!!! YAY!! Granted it will be in the "Letters to the Editor, part...but at least it's getting published.

I've also decided that by skipping my appointment tomorrow, it will do me no good...and it won't help me in anyway what-so-ever. So, I'm going in hopes to see the psychiatrist soon...so that I can hopefully start (mentally) getting better... :)

God loves me for who and what I am no matter what people say. :)
I LOVE me for who and what I am and don't give a crap about what people may say!!!

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