22 July 2012


Honesty, something a lot of people struggle with and a virtue that not many posses. I know that RJ and I try to be as honest as we can in order to set a good example for our daughter...who is at times, overly honest. She's one of those kids that you don't ask a question in which you don't want a truthful answer to.

Yesterday I experienced the importance of honesty. I had attended Pride Fest in Tri-Cities, which I had been excited about going. Half way through the day I'd gotten extremely hot and needed something other than water, so I decided to go to the grocery store that was only a few blocks away (turns out it was more like 1/4 a mile). As I was going into the store I observed this gentleman approach two older women (who were leaving the store) asking if they'd lost a wallet, when they responded no and continued on their way..he continued into the store right behind me. Something told me that there was something not quite right..so I slowed down and watched him, next thing I knew he was taking all the money out of the wallet. He then proceeded into the store and asked three more older women if they'd lost a wallet, and they had lost a wallet..they responded no as well and directed him to the manager that was at the first checkout register. As he told the manager that he found the wallet outside, the manager directed him to one of the customer service representatives. After the gentleman walked away, I told the manager that he'd taken all the money out of the wallet. He then approached the man to find out where he'd found it. I stuck around just in case they wanted a statement from me. After the manager came back in, he got my name, phone number, and a statement from me.

This morning I got a call from the Tri-Cities police department informing me that they had apprehended the guy who'd taken the money and got another statement from me. The officer then informed me that the couple who the wallet belonged to wanted to call and thank me for helping to catch the person who stole the money, but they couldn't give that information out..but they were able to give me their number and last name. I waited until noon to call them, because I didn't want to call too early. When I called I told the woman that I was glad they got their money back. The woman informed me that she is very happy that there are "still honest young people in today's society and that's something you don't run into very often." I let her know that it is unfortunate, yet true. I'm just glad they the police were able to get them their wallet and money back, I know what it's like to have my wallet stolen..except in my case all the money and bank cards were stolen, all that was returned were my wallet (duh), ID, and emergency card with my phone number on it. I'm thankful that God put me in the right place at the right time yesterday.

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