25 February 2012

Dancing Carrots

...today's been interesting....

My medication got re-adjusted yesterday and now today has been interesting. I've been dead tired most of the day today. I woke up twice during the day today only long enough to eat and then pass out once again...this has been the longest I've been coherent, I've now been awake for two hours....I think the only reason I woke up this time is because my kidneys were yelling at me...cause it definitely wasn't the odd dream about the dancing, talking carrots (and yes RJ and I had some really good jokes about it). I'm not sure if it's the medication that's making me as tired as I've been all day, or the lack of sleep from this past week. But I know one thing, the medication that is supposed to be helping with the flashbacks/nightmares is either working (even after 1 night) or I was so tired I was delusional, which wouldn't be a first. But between sleeping all day and the really "trippy" dreams I've been having while asleep. It's been an amusing day. The last time I've had either dreams or hallucinations like this, it's been due to lack of sleep or doing drugs (back in high school)....

I'm debating on even taking my medication tonight...

If I do, I'm going to have to force myself to actually be up and moving tomorrow tomorrow, if I don't I won't get my homework done. I'm just glad that they decided to adjust my medication during the weekend...I'm just hoping that I adjust to the medication by Monday....

***Note to oneself, do not watch "Far Scape" when tripping on medication...just makes matters worse***

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