29 September 2012
Mentally Fucked
26 September 2012
Happy Day
Today has gone a bit better though...I had volleyball, which was fun :) I love it, not just because I enjoy the game, because I got a good workout...you hardly ever stand still. I'm looking forward to the girl's volleyball game tomorrow night :) tee hee hee :) I also had the coolest thing happen today...
So, I was walking home from a meeting with the Collegian news staff when the manager of the SAC (food area) and the caff stops me and asks me if my hair colour is permanent, I'd told him that it (eventually) washes out. We'd talked about how he wants to do streaks in his hair for breast cancer awareness month, I told him where he could go and what he'd need to ask when it comes to getting the hair colour. After our conversation, I went daring (even though I was still in my PT gear), asked if they were hiring. He had me go upstairs with him, fill out an application, and pick my hours from what was still available...I'm so excited!!! Even though it's not the most "fashionable" job, it's a job and I start on Friday :) YaY!!! Today definitely made up for the kinda' crummy way I was feeling yesterday. I'm just really happy right now :) :) :) :)
20 September 2012
Volleyball :)
Over all, today was pretty laid back...which, lately, is rather unusual. I really enjoyed it. I did have a few moments where I felt like crap, which I couldn't figure out why...but I made it through them instead of getting stuck in them. I actually ate today, which lately is unusual...I'm told that I need to at least eat something, even if I don't "feel" hungry. I'm working on eating something during the day, even if it's just a piece of fruit. Another thing I'm working on is waking up early, and staying awake, in the morning...not an easy one for me, especially lately. Mornings are usually the hardest for me, ever since RJ taking off. I thought that by moving out of the house, things would get easier but they just got harder. It's weird.
Anyways, enough about that....
My day, overall, was good...and that's what matters most.
19 September 2012
I'll be taking on a roommate to cut down on the cost of things around the apartment. Hopefully with that, I'll be able to pay the deposit with the power company...freakin' $110. I find out this week if I qualify for the ABD program with DSHS...I'm really hoping that I do. I don't like having to utilize state resources, realistically - I don't have a choice. I'm a student with no job, no income, and in need of help for food, medical, and cash to pay bills. My only other option is either rob a bank (which I'm not doing) or donate plasma/some internal organ. I don't really have anything I can sell. I've, for the most part, sold everything I possibly can. If I can get someone to buy the XBox, then I'll sell it. Right now, I just need the money to survive. My family likes to throw a fit whenever I get my hair done, even though all I'm paying for is the hair cut...not getting it coloured. Though they don't want to listen to the fact that what I have put in my hair (the dye) I own, I have for a few months now...and the bleach kit, my hairdresser provided. Again, only paying for the haircut. Yet they tell me I need to put Bug first...I do! I just needed a hair cut!!! My family confuses me.
I wish I would have gotten more sleep last night, but it just means I go to bed, hopefully earlier tonight. I've gotten into the habit of waking up between 0715 and 0745, which is good because I have biology lab at 0800 on Tuesdays and Biology class at 0900 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Starting to wake up early is a potential good thing. Just getting to the point of staying asleep at night that's going to be the challenge. I'm praying that it happens before Sunday, because classes start on Monday.
I love being here, and this far from my family.
18 September 2012
Hell Inside
I hate it.
17 September 2012
Death is near
Death is whispering in my ear
As it comes closer now
The whispers they tell me how
How to put an end
End this pain
End this shame
They do tell me
That it will be swift
It will be quick
Death is coming for me now
I wish it
I will it
To end all things now
I’m alone…
…all alone.
13 September 2012
Pure Enjoyment
On a positive note...
While going through stuff in my storage "closet," I found a bunch of poems that I wrote back in high school :) I'm happy :) I also found the book I wrote back in high school, now I can go through it and re-type it out and fix the errors. It won't be anything I really publish, not for sale at least. I'll have just a few copies published for a few select people. I wrote it for fun, not with the purpose of publishing and selling it...that's how I'd want to keep it. I love to write, but I don't want to be anything like my sister, writing to make money. I do it for the pure enjoyment of it. Now, working for the school newspaper, that's another story...that's not really writing I "enjoy," that I do for the purpose of making money. There's a difference between writing you enjoy and writing you do for the purpose of making money...they should never be intertwined, at least in my personal opinion. I love to write :) but it's not my life, it's only a fraction of who I am.
"Above all else: To thine own self be true..."
11 September 2012
10 September 2012
Ever since RJ took off, things have been weird for me...you never realize how much you depend on someone else's presence until they're not there anymore. I'm having to depend on myself for everything, which isn't something I'm used to having to do. I moved into this apartment only a few weeks ago, and I have to move out already. This sucks! I know that this problem is external and that I need to work through it, it just feels impossible. Me moving out might end up being a good thing, but I won't know until it’s already happened. RJ called today telling me that Dennis and Tracy are willing to help move mine and RJ’s belongings if I help out with gas costs, not a problem...I was planning on borrowing money from my family to rent the trailer (which doesn’t cost a lot) so that I can get my belongings moved. Then he told me that I have to get rid of somewhere around 75-90% of MY belongings, including furniture. So, now I’m having to go through all of my stuff, not that I wasn’t already doing so, and get rid of more things then I was planning. The way I look at it right now is, it’s just “stuff”...not like it can’t be replaced if I need it again. I am going to be able to keep all of my books, which I’m happy about. Now I’m down to where the heck am I going to stay while I’m out there? At least until I get a job and am able to get a place of my own…my brother said he would, except right now he’s got him, his partner, and 8 other people staying with him. Which is understandable, even with being in a good size place (he’s in a 4 bedroom house) things can/will eventually become cramped. I’m just at the point of, wtf am I going to do come the end of the month??? If I don’t find someone I can stay with, soon, I’m going to have to look into shelter programs…as much as I’d rather not. For the first time in my life, I’m scared of, “what’s going to happen?” I don’t know…maybe I’m becoming scared for no reason. I’m going to be applying for “Section 8” housing tomorrow…but there’s at least a 6 month waiting period. *sigh* What am I supposed to do for that 6 months??? I’m doing what I can to better myself, and what I have to in order to get custody of my daughter. I know that normally it’s three steps forward and one step back, right now it feels like one step forward and five steps back. I’m trying to stay positive, but today it seems really hard to do so. I’m trying the best I can to try to keep this in perspective that this can be worked through; trying to figure out how is what’s getting to me. When we lived in Western Washington I was able to figure out or find resources for pretty much anything…out here, with such few resources…I don’t know where to turn. Even though I know a few people here, I don’t feel comfortable asking any of them if I can stay at their place until my brother in Shoreline can let me stay with him or I get into “Section 8” housing…whichever happens first.
Besides all that mess…I’m sick and tired of this stinkin’ sprinkler shooting through my window at 4a…I’ve been remembering, most nights, to shut my window before I fall asleep. Well, needless to say, last night I forgot to…I got a face full of water around 4a. Yiesh!!! When I woke up around 8a, I was able to look back and laugh about my mistake and how I deserved the face full of water. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to make that mistake again tonight, or for the rest of the week either. Other than the few irritations, in which I ranted about, my day has actually been pretty good. Going through stuff has been a little stressful, but it’s something that needed to be done anyways. I just, having to do it in such a short amount of time, am getting a bit stressed and overwhelmed. Though I’ve found my gerbils to be of great humor today, I’m sitting watching them and apparently I’ve got two trouble makers. Watching them, I found that two of them have figured out how to climb on the wheel and chew on the top edge of the fish tank they’re in…and damned if the other two catch on…I think I’m going to be in trouble here before too long. Though, this is humorous because they’ll get their balance and then one of the others will start running on the wheel, knocking them down. This is too funny…cheep amusement :) Gotta’ love it :)
Yashuah loves me regardless of who I am.
I love myself for who I am, regardless of what others may say or think.
"Above all else: To thine own self be true..."
09 September 2012
Writing and Reading
For one to have to read what they're writing in their journal after not reading it in a ,very long time...it's odd. I can say that on a 0-10 scale, 0 being wanting to put needles in my eyes 10 being wanting to streak in public, on my comfort level when it comes to me reading what I write....I'm at about a 3. This isn't something that I'm used to, but in time I'm sure I'll get used to it. It's like pulling a band-aide off slowely, hurts at first...but then not so much.
In time I'll read all of my journal posts, one by one. Again, in time...slowly. Things that are productive to bettering one's self, it often takes time...what we want and what Yashuah intends for our lives are often two different things. Right now, I'm thinking that even though I've only lived here a short time...I feel as though I'm possibly being lead in another direction. What is intended for my life right now, I don't know...all I know is that I need to continue to listen to Him. I've often looked at life as being one step foward and two steps back...when in actuality, it's three steps foward and one step back. We, as humans with having our own choice, are constantly running away from Yashuah and ourselves....when we run He continues to follow us. He chases after us, unlike our friends or family...they eventually get tired of chasing after us and wait to see if we come back around, if we do - great...but if we don't - we don't. That's just the way life is, we can't run from ourselves or others forever...we must, eventually, face our own deamonds and work through them - regardless of how hard or painful it may be...if we don't we will never find true happiness in ourselves or the world.
I'm done running.
Yashuah loves me regardless of who I am.
I love myself for who I am, regardless of what others may say or think.
"Above all else: To thine own self be true..."
08 September 2012
Life's a Puzzle
My life's journey has not been an easy one...but who ever said it was going to be easy. If things were meant to be easy, then we wouldn't learn from them. A new page in my life, my journey, has been turned...now I just have to work through it. Often times working through a part of life's journey is like doing a 1000+ piece puzzle, you have to do it one piece at a time and usually working around the edges first helps get to the center of the puzzle. First I have to work through the outside influences, problems, and internalize them so that they are my problems not everyone else's. Right now, I'm still working on part of the outside edges...though I've managed my way through parts of the edges and some bits of the center pieces, but I still have a while until the puzzle is complete. Though not having custody of my daughter is extremelly hard, I'd be a liar if I said otherwise, but it gives me time to work through this puzzle of self-discovery. I've been able to figure out bits and pieces of who I really am, but for now it's putting those pieces together and figuring out who I am as a whole. The hardest thing today, talking to my brother, was admitting outloud, part of, who I am and putting a personalization (saying my name) with it. I need to admit who I am, and not be ashamed of it. I CAN NOT be affraid or ashamed of who I am, if I continue to be I'll just be destroying myself. I need to be accepting of myself before I can expect people to accept me for who I am. I also need to stop living the way people think, say, or expect me to...I need to stop depending on what others say and start depending on just myself. I need to get out of the, "so what do you think if..." mentality, I have my own thoughts and opinions and need to start living by them. If I continue to depend on them, I won't be setting a very good example for Bug. I want her to know that its not a bad thing to be independant and live the way you think you should, not depending on other people's thoughts and opinions.
"Above all else: To thine own self be true."
05 September 2012
Anyhow...I left this morning for my court date on tomorrow morning. I'm not looking foward to this. I get her back right now, towards the end of this month I won't know where we're going to live...unless I come up with $2000 towards my tuition. I don't get her back, I may loose my mind..yet I'll still loose my apartment. Either way you look at it, it's a loose, loose situation. There's no way of me coming up with that much money, especially not in two weeks...its just impossible. I asked my sister if I could borrow money from her, and she's unable to. I fear asking my mother and father, even though it would be to help out their only grandchild. This is just frustrating...when it rains, it freaking pours. At this rate, I'm going to have to go back home to my parent's house...which, honestly, is the last place I want to have to go. Unfortunately, it may be the only choice I have. Even then, I don't think I'd be able to do that...I don't think I'd be able to leave the state with her. So...that would mean RJ would get custody of her...then I'd hardly ever get to see her. I need to figure something out, and SOON. When I get her back, I don't want to loose her again.
02 September 2012
I was reading over the divorce papers, and he's giving me the choice to change my name to whatever I want...I'm considering changing my first name to "Danni," seeing that, that's what I go by anyway. But then, I don't want to upset my parents...they both lay claim to picking out my first name. That and neither of them will call me by my preferred name. If I change it, I don't think they'd call me by my new legal name, regardless how I feel. I've already told my mother that I don't want to be called "Danielle" because that's not what I go by. I dunno'? I know that it's my decision in the end...but input from my friends, if they'd call me by "Danni" or not. I know that my brother and his family would, because that's what they already call me. *sigh*
Another issue I'm facing is deciding to, eventually, start taking testosteron supliments or not. I know that I'll never be able to afford the surgery, but the supliments would atleast give me some of the effects that I'm looking for...maybe I'm just going wacky?