19 September 2012


Well, thankfully yesterday went a whole lot better. I had a huge weight, temporarily, lifted off of my shoulders…only downfall to it, I do still have to, somehow, come up with the 2k…which by end of quarter will definitely be 3k. I really need to find a job…somewhere…anywhere. I’ve got a few leads, which I will be looking into today. I’m just hoping that one of these leads works out. I need to show that I have stable income and a stable place to stay by the next court date in December…which, turns out, is during review week…could this possibly get any more inconvenient? But, I have to look at the up side to this, I still have my apartment, I start classes next week, I (hopefully) get Ali in a few weeks…things are still good. I’m learning to step back and evaluate things before getting upset about the negative.
I'll be taking on a roommate to cut down on the cost of things around the apartment. Hopefully with that, I'll be able to pay the deposit with the power company...freakin' $110. I find out this week if I qualify for the ABD program with DSHS...I'm really hoping that I do. I don't like having to utilize state resources, realistically - I don't have a choice. I'm a student with no job, no income, and in need of help for food, medical, and cash to pay bills. My only other option is either rob a bank (which I'm not doing) or donate plasma/some internal organ. I don't really have anything I can sell. I've, for the most part, sold everything I possibly can. If I can get someone to buy the XBox, then I'll sell it. Right now, I just need the money to survive. My family likes to throw a fit whenever I get my hair done, even though all I'm paying for is the hair cut...not getting it coloured. Though they don't want to listen to the fact that what I have put in my hair (the dye) I own, I have for a few months now...and the bleach kit, my hairdresser provided. Again, only paying for the haircut. Yet they tell me I need to put Bug first...I do! I just needed a hair cut!!! My family confuses me.
I wish I would have gotten more sleep last night, but it just means I go to bed, hopefully earlier tonight. I've gotten into the habit of waking up between 0715 and 0745, which is good because I have biology lab at 0800 on Tuesdays and Biology class at 0900 on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Starting to wake up early is a potential good thing. Just getting to the point of staying asleep at night that's going to be the challenge. I'm praying that it happens before Sunday, because classes start on Monday.
I love being here, and this far from my family.

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