11 September 2012


Well, today went okay...I went and got my application for Section 8 housing filled out and turned in, after getting completely turned around in downtown Walla Walla. It was only supposed to be about 1/2 mile walk from the bus stop to the Walla Walla Housing Authority office...I ended up walking a mile before finding the office. But it was a much enjoyed walk. Other than that...pretty uneventful day. Went through boxes, tossed a bunch of "stuff." Mostly things that were mine, but it's all only "stuff," not like an of it can't be, eventually, replaced...if I really need to. Honestly, I don't think I'll miss much, if any, of it. I'm learning to look at belongings from a different perspective. A lot of it, I haven't seen in, at least, a year...if I haven't missed it this long, I doubt I'll miss it in 3, 6, 12 months or longer. It's all "things," my daughter cannot be replaced...there's only one of her. I'm looking at not only "things" but life in an entirely new perspective...life is too valuable to worry about the "stuff" we own. I think this situation that I'm going through is a learning experience on what's important and what isn't, though it's not easy. But, then again...if things were ever meant to be easy, we wouldn't learn from any of it. Life is an ongoing lesson that we always learn something new from it. "Above all else: To thine own self be true..."

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