26 September 2012

Happy Day

Well, yesterday was a little frustrating...but I managed to work through it. I had a hard time emotionally, and I couldn't figure out why I was having such a hard time. I wish I could nail down why I was feeling so emotional yesterday...it just seemed to come out of nowhere. I did however enjoy Dr. Bob's Counseling Psychology class that I'm, basically, a guinea pig in the class for this quarter...it's great information, however, for me to learn (even though I won't get credit for being in the class). I think I'm really going to enjoy the class. I had fun yesterday, he had me sit in front of the class and the students got to one at a time "play" counselor with me to figure out one thing that I (really) struggle with...when one of the guys (the only one to volunteer) got the base "issue" for me- the fact that I'm a lesbian. When I finally did "come out" to them, pretty much everyone got quiet and their demeanor changed as well. He ran out of questions to ask, wasn't sure where to go from there. Several of them became rather uncomfortable by who I am and what I "represent" here on campus. I told them that anything they ask, I'll be honest, and that nothing they ask me will "hurt my feelings." Basically, I'm learning to be bluntly honest...otherwise it doesn't do me or anyone else any good. I guess it's thanks to my brother that I'm learning to be blunt when I answer people. It's a good trait to learn.
Today has gone a bit better though...I had volleyball, which was fun :) I love it, not just because I enjoy the game, because I got a good workout...you hardly ever stand still. I'm looking forward to the girl's volleyball game tomorrow night :) tee hee hee :) I also had the coolest thing happen today...
So, I was walking home from a meeting with the Collegian news staff when the manager of the SAC (food area) and the caff stops me and asks me if my hair colour is permanent, I'd told him that it (eventually) washes out. We'd talked about how he wants to do streaks in his hair for breast cancer awareness month, I told him where he could go and what he'd need to ask when it comes to getting the hair colour. After our conversation, I went daring (even though I was still in my PT gear), asked if they were hiring. He had me go upstairs with him, fill out an application, and pick my hours from what was still available...I'm so excited!!! Even though it's not the most "fashionable" job, it's a job and I start on Friday :) YaY!!! Today definitely made up for the kinda' crummy way I was feeling yesterday. I'm just really happy right now :) :) :) :)

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