20 September 2012

Volleyball :)

Well, today was a pretty good day...even with my loving brother irritating me. It was a bit of a challenge not getting upset with him, because I know that he was just picking on me (I think). I'm just glad I got to see him during the day today, not something that normally happens. It was kind of coincidental that I did, we just both happened to need to go to DSHS around the same time today. Then I went to my first sporting event here at WWU, girls volleyball. I will definitely be attending more girl's sports events. I forgot how much good they look in their uniforms. One of my ex's used to play girl's volleyball and I went to every one of the home games, even after she broke up with me :)
Over all, today was pretty laid back...which, lately, is rather unusual. I really enjoyed it. I did have a few moments where I felt like crap, which I couldn't figure out why...but I made it through them instead of getting stuck in them. I actually ate today, which lately is unusual...I'm told that I need to at least eat something, even if I don't "feel" hungry. I'm working on eating something during the day, even if it's just a piece of fruit. Another thing I'm working on is waking up early, and staying awake, in the morning...not an easy one for me, especially lately. Mornings are usually the hardest for me, ever since RJ taking off. I thought that by moving out of the house, things would get easier but they just got harder. It's weird.
Anyways, enough about that....
My day, overall, was good...and that's what matters most.

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