25 March 2012

Dear God...

Dear God,

Are you even there? Do you hear me when I pray or when I cry out to you? Why is it so hard for me to be able to put my full trust in you when it seems as though you're not even there? I know that You are my Lord and Savior. But I don't understand...are you there? Are you listening? I don't understand why things always seem to have to constantly be so hard. I know that if they weren't I wouldn't learn anything...but what am I supposed to learn when I can't hear you? I try so hard each and every day to keep going...but I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going. I wish you'd answer me when I cry out to you. But all I ever hear is silence. I know my brother, his family, and my daughter care about me deeply...but I'm not sure even with knowing this if I can keep going. I want to know you more so badly, yet you don't hear my cries. It's as though you're ignoring me, which I must say...I'm getting used to because almost everyone ignores me nowadays. I'm just "another face in the crowd" among all these other students and people walking around campus. No one special...no one important...no one worth noticing. I've learned to tune them all out with my music, when I have it. I try to have my quiet time each day, somehow or another, in hopes of hearing your voice...but, silence is all I get.

So, I ask again...God are you really there? If you are, I'm here...I'm listening.



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