22 March 2012

Importance of Medication

Okay, so I've discovered (the hard way) the dire importance of my night time medication. I forgot....better yet refused to take it last night, thinking I could fall asleep on my own. HA! Who was I kidding. I ended up making it through the two disks of Lord of the Rings last night and on top of that ended up drinking two cups of coffee. SO...needless to say, I didn't fall asleep...better yet, pass out until around 5am. To top all matters off, I have this internal alarm clock that wakes me up at 7:15am because that's the time Bug has to leave by to get to the bus stop on time. SO....no meds = NO SLEEP! Needless to say I've been running all day off of just over 2 hours of sleep. I can no longer hold a proper conversation without tripping over my words...and let's put it this way, thank God for spell check, cause I can't seem to spell either. Another funny thing, apparently God likes to teach me lessons by throwing me down flights of stairs...I went to go check my mail (unable to focus properly) and half way down the freakin' stairs, I almost fell. I'm thankful I didn't (this time) because I might of actually done more damage to myself than just spraining my ankle. I do believe I will #1 take my meds before bed tonight and #2 go to bed early tonight...I am so tired!!!

Lesson learned...I REALLY do need those meds that I was prescribed for night time.

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