10 March 2012

Sick vs. Sleepy???

Today's been a weird day. I woke up at around 6:30a, which is the normal time I'm up to try to help RJ with getting Bug pulled together for school. Though lately she's been gradually becoming more and more independent. Which is good, especially through her issues...but then I realized "Damn it's the weekend" and fell back asleep. Next thing I knew my stupid alarm on my phone went off, which I about threw across the room, next thought was the cost of my phone...so I turned it off and fell back asleep. Then at about 9:30a there was a knock on the door...I rolled over to RJ and told him to please answer it...behold, was the fact that we forgot that we signed up to get free breakfast today (cinnamon rolls and drinks)...so we ate together, because of coarse Bug was awake. Shortly after eating I told RJ I was going to rest a bit before going to church. He then woke me up (at what time I've not a clue) and looked at me and told me that I looked like I was in no condition to leave the house. So, I fell back asleep. Needless to say I ended up sleeping all day. I didn't finally get up until almost about 6:30p. I was going to go to a Purim (sp?) event tonight and didn't go...and I REALLY REALLY wanted go...I'm SO bummed I couldn't go. In fact I think this is the LONGEST I've been awake all day...and all I want is to go back to sleep.

One thing good that happened to me today...one of the short moments I was coherent to the world, I heard RJ say something and before I got mad at him (don't remember what I thought he said) but I stopped before getting mad and asked him to repeat himself, and then told him what I thought he said and we both kinda' laughed about it. I told him how glad I was that I asked him b/c I was going to get mad at him...I'm starting to learn not to always believe what I hear or see. Which I'm glad I'm finally learning this.

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him."
I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say...

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