12 March 2012

Finals Week: Day 1

Shiesh!! I'm tired and I'm only through 1 of my 4 finals...I have two tomorrow and a presentation to give as part of one of my finals. All that is left to do for the presentation is print the report and the pictures then QUICKLY get the pictures glued onto the board. Other then that I think the project turned out pretty freakin' good. Though only 2 out of the 3 of us did any work for this project. The 3rd person, I tried and tried to get him to meet up with me so that he could help with doing SOME of the work...but he NEVER showed up. My brother, when I told him about this, said, "welcome to college life." If this is what projects are going to be like...I'm going to be likely to kill someone before I graduate.

Other then all that, I wrote a freelance article for our school's paper, which once I can get a hold of one of the editors, or someone in charge of the paper (good luck to me this week) I know...I'm going to give them a printed copy of the article and cross my fingers that they like it. I'm often told that I'm a pretty good writer, I just need to work on proper punctuation. Which this, I'm already aware of...I'm just not very good at it. It's often my weakness on papers. It may be my failure to my English final that I had today.

But anyways, I have my Study Skills final tomorrow, which is the class I have the presentation for, and it's open book. Then I have my Psych final, which all I have to do is show up...the down fall is instead of 6-8p it's 7-9p and then I have an 8am Math Final the next day...Oi! All I know is that come Thursday, I'M SLEEPING IN!!! Don't care if...well, I do care if someone dies and if my apartment catches fire...other than that....I DON'T CARE!!!

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him."
I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say...

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