16 November 2011

Another day, another appointment...

Well, the little one (she's not so little anymore, she's 9 1/2) had a therapist appointment today. I made sure she talked about some of the things that she told me about (sometimes wishing she were never born, wishing that her father and I would break up...stuff like that) and her therapist and I agree that she may need to get re-evaluated. Her mood swings have become more severe over that past few years. So hopefully by this time next month we'll be in for an evaluation to possibly figure things out a bit better. We were given the dx of ADHD and Asperger's when she was younger...but I'm not sure if it's a complete dx. I love my daughter, but there are days where I wish I could understand her and her needs.

Then she had her medication appointment...she's managed to gain 3 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks. She had already gained 4 lbs in October. We (the dr and I) think it's because of the Risperdal that she was on, that she's currently being gradually pulled off of and switched over to Seroquel...we'll see how this one works. The Risperdal was starting to show signs of working with her, but the weight gain was an issue. We're hoping that she wont' have the issue of weight gain on the new medication. Only time will tell. I told her med dr about the therapist wanting to re-evaluate her...he didn't seem too happy with that, but you know what he doesn't ever seem happy with things when I'm the one trying to figure things out with my daughter. It's up there with when I pulled her off her meds towards the end of last school year because I got tired of the stimulants and her not growing. But luckily I've already requested her to be put with a med dr at the same office as her therapist...I'm tired of the hour + drive to her med dr's office at least if we get it switched it'll only be 15-20 minutes.

I swear the stress between my own stress and such and my darling little girl's (even on the worst of days she's still darling) issues I don't know which is going to be the end of me...

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