25 November 2011


Ok...so my "assignment" last night was:

"Assignment: this is a holiday. Take a break from your problems, and when they come and try to enter your mind, do something mindless and ignore them. This is difficult, but try."

I wish I could say I was successful on this, but I wasn't. I'm now running on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep (at most)...I caught a few "cat naps" here and there...the longest I was asleep was about an hour-an hour and a half. Even in that little bit of time, my mind seems to be against me. I still managed to dream. I know that dreams are the mind's way of working out issues that the mind either can't work out on it's own during the waking hours (or in my case stuff that I keep refusing to deal with).

*Step 1 to dealing with any problem: Admission of a problem. Admitting that there is a problem and that you know it needs to be dealt with.
*Step 2: Admission of needing help. Admitting that you need help with dealing with the problem. Admitting that you can't do it on your own.
*Step 3: Getting/Reaching Out For Help. Self Explanatory.

I'm willing to admit that I can't deal with this on my own. I've (to this point) tried to deal with this as much on my own as possible...and it's just not possible. As hard as this is for me to admit...I need help. I love my friend, T...who has been such a wonderful friend and basically reminding me everyday that I'm not going crazy and reminding me of stuff I already know, but (obviously) need reminder of.

The odd thing is, I'm usually the person that my friends an neighbors (that I talk to) go to when they need help...and now I'm the one needing help. Now it's my relationship that needs help...I just got done working with one of my neighbors over their marriage...how screwy is this???

"T's God loves me, and I am important to Him"

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