17 January 2012

Finally gave in...

I finally, I guess you could say, gave in and stopped and spoke to someone in the Disability Support Services office today...the past two weeks I've been struggling to keep up with taking notes in the one class I especially like, my Psych class. One thing that a lot of people don't know about me, because I don't look at myself as "disabled" (I just have some issues) is I have ADD and dyslexia. I don't talk about it much, because I'm actually a bit embarrassed about it. I struggle to keep my attention focused when I'm in class. I had already asked my Psych class teacher about using a recording device when I'm in class to record the lectures because I was having trouble keeping up and she ok'd it and suggested (last week) that I talk to someone with Disability Support on campus and I kinda' shrugged it off (btw, same night I sprained my ankle). Well, today when I was talking to the professor in charge of D.S.S, who just happens to be one of my instructors, she asked why I didn't come to her sooner....and she then checked a Pulse Pen w/notebook to me to use for my Psych class. I guess I'm glad I stepped out of my "comfort zone" and spoke with her. I was less stressed about keeping up with my note taking when I was in class today, because I knew that if I didn't catch it with my own notes that the recording device on the pen would catch it.
On another note, of stepping out of my "comfort zone", when I was in my Psych class today we were asked to split into groups of 2 and "Pretend you are talking to your partner about sex and what type of plan you want for your relationship? How can you protect yourself as a couple?" I have trouble talking to "random" people about certain subject matter and sex is definitely one of those things. I managed to talk to my professor and let her know that I wasn't comfortable with the small group idea and she said it was okay for me not to participate and I explained a little of my past and that I was also having trouble writing the 8 page "Personal History" paper, and she said for me to write what I'm able to...she understands that I don't want to set myself back and she's also aware (b/c I told her) that I'm in individual counseling on campus...I'm going to try to do the full 8 pages and when it hits points that I'm not comfortable discussing I'll be vague (which she's ok with). So, I'm a bit less stressed about that too...today has been productive, in an odd sense.

But, I stepped out of my "comfort zone" and I'm ok with it...

...ooo....I also read one of my older blog posts, the one titled "Unsent Letter". Mostly because I needed to do an unsent letter journal entry for my Psych class and thought that, that particular online journal entry would be perfect. It was interesting...some of what I had written, I didn't realize I had actually gotten out into words. It felt good to actually get it onto paper and read it. Thought I don't think I'll ever send it...it felt good to actually write it out.

"God loves me for who and what I am and I'm important to Him."
"I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say."

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