10 January 2012

Long Day

Okay, so yet another interesting day. I had my knee buckle and want to give out when I was going down the stairs from my apartment on my way to my first class today...in doing so, I almost fell down the entire flight of stairs. That would have hurt. Then I get to my first class today only to have a timed writing assignment, easy. Then at the end of class the teacher gives us all a writing assignment due in 2 days, yikes! I have to read this 26 (or so) page packet (it's the first chapter to some book) and then write a two page response to it. *sigh* I'll likely do it sometime tomorrow. I haven't had time to even look at it today. After class I walked up to Andy's (love that store) to pick up some stuff to go towards tonight's dinner, Bug and RJ cooked. By the time I made it home I was tired and couldn't focus on the homework that I was supposed to be working on. I ended up taking a nap before my class that was tonight. Made it to my class 15 minutes early for my class, enough time to quickly look over the material that I was supposed to finish reading only to have the teacher hand us a quiz, yikes! Needless to say, I wasn't ready for it (my own fault)...though I don't think I did too bad on it. It's worth 5 points...I would say "only" but 5 points could easily mean the difference between an "A" and a "B"...I'm hoping that I did okay on it, we'll see next week. The teacher at the end of class decided to announce that instead of an article review she wants us to do a review on the section of Chapter 5 that covers "Communication", that'll be interesting. I'm going to start working on that this week, along with all my other papers that I have coming up being due. I don't want to put anything off for too long. I have math homework every night, so I'm having to figure out how to squeeze in all my other homework. After class let out as I was leaving, I took the stairs vs. the elevator, mostly because I was talking to the teacher after class about what had been discussed in class and I was three steps from the bottom of the stairs when my knee buckled again...except this time I actually tripped and fell. I ended up either badly twisting my ankle or spraining it (I think it's sprained). Thankfully I was able to hobble home and my wonderful brother came over with an ace-wrap so that I can wrap it up in the morning...God's got a sense of humor...and I think this time He's trying to get me to get over my pride of depending on myself for everything and start asking for help...but that's just my thoughts on this situation.

Any how...I need to get some sleep...I've got class in the morning and it's almost midnight.

"God loves me and accepts me for who and what I am, and I'm important to Him."
"I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say."

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