02 January 2012

Went for a Walk...

So, today went rather interestingly...I convinced RJ to go for a walk with me today, of course with Bug. We finally talked about things that, I think, we had both been avoiding...our relationship being on of the matters of discussion...me figuring out who I am without worrying about judgement or really caring about what people think. I told RJ that what he does with his GI Bill money is up to him, that if he chooses not to sign it over to me, then that's his decision...I'm not going to ask him to sign it over to me...it's not my decision to make. I know that he was hurt when we had our discussion and that he is concerned about "loosing me". But he stated that what he wants most is me to be happy. Right now what I want most is to know who I am. I want to be comfortable with who and what I am. I want to be back to how I was before...not caring about what people think and being worried about how everyone else feels. Right now, in process of figuring out who/what I am...I'm trying to re-discover what it means feels like to be happy. For now I'm working on being comfortable with bits and pieces of me.

Tomorrow, I start my first day back in school...eleven and a half years after graduating high school...I'm finally going back to school. I'm a bit nervous...but my one class tomorrow is an easy one. It's also the one class that I was surprised had a book for it, Study Skills...go figure. Wednesday is my first day of "real" classes....it'll be my first full day...that will be an interesting day. I'm just hoping that I can keep myself "in check" for the remainder of this week.

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him." (Day 2 Round 2)

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