25 January 2012

Side Effect???

Well, I can kinda' understand how frustrated Porky Pig must have felt with trying to talk and constantly studdering...

I'm thinking this might be a mild side effect from one or more of the medications I'm on, but I've been studdering for the past two days now. It's frustrating when I'm trying to hold a conversation and I'm constantly studdering. It wasn't too bad yesterday, but today it's been getting worse. The best explanation I can give is...pretend your brain is a tape player and the tape is playing at normal speed, going in the right direction, and then suddenly it goes in reverse for a split second and then continues going forward in the correct direction. That's what it's like for me talking...and I have no control over it. I hate it! It's making it difficult to talk and not get mad. I'm hoping it's just temporary and that it'll go away once I become "adjusted" to the medication.

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him."
I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say...

I managed to, other then getting frustrated about the studdering, have a pretty decent day. I might actually get almost caught up on my Math by Friday. I'm going to try to get caught up with the "Homework" assignments by end of class tomorrow, and then during the extra class tomorrow night start getting caught up on the "Quiz" assignments. I've started minimizing how much talking to any of the teachers I do as long as I'm studdering...it's a bit embarrassing. Other then that...just another day....

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