23 January 2012


I never really took the time to think about how much my husband and brother are there for me, until today. Instead of going home after my last class today, like I normally do, I stayed at the TLC and read from my Bible that my brother lovingly gave me :) after I read I meditated/thought about nothing...the one thing that came across my mind was how much my brother and husband have been there for me this past month, even with my moods & emotions being rather unpredictable. Through everything they've been there for me...when it seemed like I had no one...they were there for me. I'm SO grateful for them both.

Life has been rough this past month for me...starting school amongst other things. On top of things I'm back in therapy and back on meds, which have sent me into a roller coaster train wreck with my emotions...thankfully, after talking to my husband today, he's aware of what I'm going through and totally supportive (still) of me "getting better".

I'm, right now, working on being patient with my meds and giving them time to take "full" effect. Unfortunately, patience isn't my strongest suite...

On a positive note, I found out today that WWU has an unofficial Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Club...I'm working on finding out some information about the club and when they meet. Hopefully I will learn to accept me for me and see myself the way others; like my husband, daughter, brother, and his family see me.

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him."
I love me for who and what I am regardless of what others say...

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