04 January 2012

First Two Days

Ok...so I survived my second day of classes...my mind is going ninety to nothing with stuff that I know that needs to get done for some of my classes, my Psych class in particular. I have a paper due on Valentines day and I'm trying to figure out what to write...the paper is on my personal history. I'm supposed to reflect on my childhood and how the experiences I went through my affect my marriage. Oi! This is going to be an interesting paper to write. It has to be at least 8 pages, which I'm going to try to limit myself to the 8 pages. Then I also have two article reviews that I'm supposed to do, one problem...I don't read magazines or newspapers. I think a trip to a bookstore is going to be needed...I hate taking the bus, but I think that's what I may end up needing to do...this will definitely prove interesting. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull off doing the article reviews...maybe I'll figure a way to look something up online and just print it.

My math class today was interesting. The girl sitting next to me evidently found it to be more important to listen to her Ipod than listen to the teacher...and then when the seat became free next to her "friend" she found it more important to move to sit next to her and hold conversation with her "friend"...I'm stuck in a class with a bunch of teenagers that appear to be more interested in other things than paying attention in the class that their parents are paying for them to take. I don't get these kids, and yes I can call them kids because that's what they are.

I have a full day tomorrow...math at 10a, writing at 11a, study skills at 1p, and meet with my "mentor" at 2:30p (which I think is ridiculous that I have to have a mentor). On top of all that I need to try to get Bug's enrollment stuff taken care of before I go to class. Thanks to all the help my bro's been giving RJ and I...I don't think we'd of gotten 1/2 the stuff we've been able to get done w/o him and his wife's help. I'd of lost my mind by now if it weren't for their help. He mentioned me seeing a therapist here on campus...and I'm actually thinking it might be a good idea. For me to go see someone out in town would be a bit difficult, considering my schedule and having to also balance Bug's appointments, which I need to still get set up. So much to do...not enough time in the day to accomplish everything. If I could just figure a way to get familiar with where stuff is and all I'd be able to figure out the bus (trolly) system from there...all in time, I guess.

"God loves me for who and what I am, and I am important to Him." (Day 4 Round 2)

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