11 January 2012

"Watch this...." -God

Okay, so I think I've definitely got it...my sprained ankle is teaching me that I need to not only slow down, but I also need to actually ask for help when I know I need it and not try to do everything myself. I'm (I've always been) one of those people that if I think I can do it by myself, I will. I've always looked at by me having to ask for help it's a sign of me being weak. I'm now having to learn that having depend on others for their help is not a sign of weakness...now to be honest, what it is I'm not sure. But, I'm working on asking for help when I know I need it. God has a sense of humor. The way I look at it, He tried teaching me this at one point or another...I didn't listen. So, in turn, He made me listen.

Well God...I'm listening....

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