18 December 2011


I'm not sure if I'm going to survive between now and the move without having a nervous break-down. I took my mom, sister, and brother-in-law off my FB today after dealing with her harassment for the past five days. Apparently all she is worried about is money, which is fine. Because since that's all she's concerned about, I don't need that kind of stress in my life right now. I figured out how to block her from being able from being able to message me on FB as well as re-adding me. I need to focus on staying as stress-free as possible and focus on getting moved. Though in the few hours that RJ and I worked on packing today, we got almost the entire back room packed up and Bug got her room almost done. Tomorrow, we're going to work on the front room and try to get it done before her volleyball game tomorrow night. My goal is to have everything packed by Friday. I really don't want to have to deal with packing during Christmas weekend...let alone the last few days in the apartment. The only thing I want to have to focus on, on Monday is cleaning the apartment. Tuesday we get the truck and load it and then early Wednesday we take off for Walla Walla. Now, if we "safely land" in College Place or if we "crash land" in College Place is lying on a prayer as to tomorrow's "news" of if I'm accepted into WWU or not. I'm hoping and praying that I'm accepted and we "safely land". I trust that this really is the direction that God wants me and my family to go in. I trust that everything will work out for the best. I'm not going to lie though I'm stressed, worried, and having trouble trusting that all this is going to work out. I'm praying that God helps me to trust Him and that He makes everything to work out for the best.

I just hope that I don't end up having a nervous break down...

before making it to Walla Walla....

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