04 December 2011


Well, sleep has been almost non-existent the past several days. I've been back to only a few hours of sleep...and it's mostly sporadic. Last night was really rough. I fell asleep b/t 1-2am and woke up at about 3:30am and for the life of me I couldn't fall back asleep...until about 6am...and then I only stayed asleep until about 7:30ish and I've been up since then. I'm eventually going to start hallucinating (again) if I don't get some REAL sleep. This is going to be wonderful...I'm supposed to be leaving on Thursday to go check out a college...and I'm supposed to appear to be "normal"...and I'm not getting hardly any sleep. Some of the flashbacks are becoming more and more intense, to make matters more interesting. I've taken a break from drawing, with the exception on the new "assignment" T gave me on Friday evening...I'm supposed to draw a lissajous. I'm thinking T's enjoying tormenting me from a distance. Either that or he's got something "up his sleeve" that he's not sharing. Either way, he's about (I dare say) one of the only TRUE friends I have...My step-dad always told me that when I get older I'll be able to count all my "true" friends on one hand (two if I'm lucky). I can count them on one. But you know what...it doesn't matter.

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