14 December 2011

¿Y ahora qué?

I feel like such an idiot. I turned in my notice with my apartment complex that we'll be moving, I also started informing all of my daughter's doctors/therapists that we'll be moving, and then I decided to let RJ know about how I know I feel about him and the reason behind it (because of his "betrayal") and that I would like to try to work on our relationship and try to get this to work. The first thing we NEED to work on is "trust". I need to be able to trust him. I have to know when I tell him "no" that he's going to take it as "no". I did a lot of apologizing to him and told him that if he decides that after all I said, he doesn't want to sign his GI Bill over to me that, that's his ultimately his decision and I will respect his decision no matter what it is.

I'm not sure what's been going through my mind or what I was thinking...I don't know what was going through my mind when I didn't choose to wait until after the move to "break" this news to him. I guess I was just trying to be "fair" to him. I......

I'm such an idiot!!!

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