19 December 2011

Blind Faith

Well, I called the admissions person from WWU and he explained to me (just like on Friday) that he's going to scan my transcripts from HS and have the other members of the admissions board vote on if I should be admitted under "academic probation". I'm supposed to call him back (again) tomorrow, hopefully he'll hear back from everyone by then. Other then that, I spent most of my morning in the DSHS office reporting that RJ has no income and trying to get everything adjusted before the move next week. I can't believe we're doing this...on blind faith non-the-less. We've hit so many bumps in the road this past week it's crazy. The major "bumpy road" being my family. Originally it started off that I had my dad and step-mom's support and then come to find out, we don't. Come to find out...none of my family is supportive of this decision. Right now, that's fine...I'm not doing this for them. For once, I'm doing this for ME! My decision to go back to school is for me, no one else. I need to do this. I've put this off for everyone else for SO long...I'm not going to put it off any longer. The odd thing, the school I God chose...isn't one that four years ago if asked I would have even considered going to...But this is the school I feel drawn to...so it's where I'm going to go.

...all on blind faith...

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