30 December 2011

Maybe I am...

I've been doing a lot of thinking over the past several days...with this move and all, I haven't had much time to do anything else really. We moved up here with not much money in our pockets and what we thought would be enough to hold us over until RJ got a job. Then we got here...I had to get some paperwork taken care of before we could get the apartment key, paperwork turned into money having to be put out to finalize my registration...then deposit for the apartment (which I was 1/2 way expecting the deposit). After all was said and done, we didn't even have enough to put gas in the moving truck to return the truck...thankfully my brother was able to help us out with that. I just really hate depending on others where I should have taken more money going out into account. I don't want us to end up like M.H&T.H(J) who have/do depend on everyone for just about everything...I don't want to appear to be the type of person that is dependent on everyone else to support my family. My family is my responsibility...no one else. Maybe I am stupid...after all this move wasn't completely thought out. We're now, pretty much, broke...neither of us have a job...I'm still trying to get the last bit of my registration finalized...and we have no car (though thankfully almost everything is within walking distance). I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm such an idiot for not thinking this through all the way. I guess they were right....Now my family will have to deal with the situation that my decision has put us into...

I doubt I'll won't be posting anymore after this....

Good bye.

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