19 December 2011


So, today was hella' busy...I hate days like this. I've been so, oddly, stressed all day...and because of this I know have a really bad migraine. I'm having trouble even seeing straight (no pun intended). I know that I shouldn't be stressed. I'm trusting that everything is going to work out. God's got this under control. Everything will work out in His time. I can't expect this to work out in "my time"...He has His timing on everything. I'm betting that He's looking down and laughing at me worrying about everything...going "watch this." Then again I've known He's got a sense of humor since the day my daughter was born after being told that they were 99.9% SURE I was having a BOY...so...needless to say. With God, there's never a dull moment....

I knew when I had an almost 45 minute discussion with God on the flight home that this move wasn't going to be "smooth sailing"...I just never pictured that the "bumpy road" was going to be dealing with my family or learning that none of them are supportive of my going back to school. But, either way...I'm going to do this for ME. And I know that this will all work out....with God all things are possible :)

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