21 December 2011

Light Beyond Darkness

Well, I got good news today. I've been accepted into WWU....granted under academic probation. I have to take 3 remedial courses and a study skills class my first quarter. But, two of the remedial classes I can (potentially) test out of on the first day...Heck...I've got my foot in the door, and that's what matters most. I'm going to be a bit busy first quarter...getting used to being back in school again. I have classes every day. My "easy day" will be Tuesday, because I only have one class. But even with only have one class, it's not going to mean I can be lazy and not study or work on other assignments. I need to do my best to stay focused and keep my GPA as high as I can. I need to do this for me so that I can get into the masters program that I want to get into. I have to start off doing good, not goof of....slide by and then bust ass the last year to get my GPA up. I need to keep it up throughout my undergrad studies. I'm not going to allow myself to do less then my absolute best.

I mailed out the total remaining amount that I owed my mom and step-dad last week, and they received it (I'm thinking) yesterday and deposited it. Since the discussion between my mom and I this past weekend and me taking her off of my FB, she has since removed Bug (her ONLY grand-daughter) and RJ from her FB page...but you know what, that's all on her. I don't care, RJ doesn't care...and Bug won't notice because she just goes on to play whatever game she's into at the time. The incubator has made her decision....like she told me growing up, I was an "oops" I wasn't planned...which with the way I was treated I could tell I wasn't wanted. Now that I know the truth, my dad was supposed to get custody of me after the divorce....it makes me realize that she only retained custody of me to piss my dad off...

Now I'm an adult. I'm not going to allow her to treat me like I'm lesser of a person then she is. I am working on bettering myself so that I can provide a better life for my daughter. I'm doing this so that I can become a better person for me. Now to just get past all the bumps in the road before school starts.....

Now I just need to find some furniture....
*Bed (for RJ and I)
*Table w/chairs (Dining or folding)
*Dresser(s) (for RJ and I)
*Tall Book Shelf

craigslist might just be my new best friend...

1 comment:

  1. I feel and empathize . Good luck, stay strong, stay healthy, be of better spirits, than those that seek to justify pushing you downward…
    Surround yourself with Wholesome
    Folks, and shine.
    Word of advice: Research “ Life Tools”, and take every second you possibly can, to hand them down to your daughter. Never deny her a moment of your time, and dedicate
    Yourself to “ Family.”
    Discipline with kindness, love and knowledge. Be not , the hypocrite, but the the light that guides the way.
    Wishing you the best!
