08 December 2011

Walla Walla - Day 1

Ok, so I made it to Walla Walla in one piece (so to speak). Though the airport in Seattle was PACKED for it being (considered) mid-week...but I guess that's partly because of how close to the holidays we are. Then there was the airplane. I don't think there were more than 4-6 empty seats in the airplane...and it was a SMALL plane. I hate flying. I guess that has to do with the fact that I really don't like small enclosed places (claustrophobic).

But thankfully I was greeted at the airport by my friend T. I would have been ready to leave the airport the second the plane landed, if it weren't for the fact that I ended up checking our luggage in. After we left the airport T played "tour guide" and showed me different points of interest between Walla Walla and College Place...which was neat. I had been told that the area is a really "small town"...and it's cute/quaint. I'm supposed to be "relaxing" but it's hard to do with my mind going a million different directions and not wanting to slow down. I brought some over the counter sleep aides with me for "just in case" so that I do get sleep and don't run on steam this entire trip...I just don't want to have to depend on a pill for me to get sleep. I guess that's part of the reason that, even though I now have medical insurance, I'm hesitant to go to the doctors about my mood issues...I don't want to depend on medication to "feel" happy or anything. I want to be able to "feel" something on my own. I know it may sound weird...but I hate depending on medication for stuff I SHOULD be able to do on my own.

Other than that, my daughter seems to be enjoying herself. She LOVES the room, but I think that has to do with the fact that she can watch "channels" on the television. We don't have cable or even "rabbit ears" at home on our TV, all we have is our Xbox360 and Netflix...she can watch something on Netflix or she can watch a DVD. No commercials and I can easily monitor what she watches.

I know I shouldn't be, but I'm nervous about tomorrow. I'm supposed to get a campus tour at nine o'clock, meet up with financial aid and employment at ten, education and psychology adviser at eleven, and then admissions/reimbursement at eleven thirty...oi! I can honestly say...the only one I'm looking forward to is the adviser, T said he's a pretty cool professor (apparently he's worked for him)...it'll also help me narrow down what I want to major in. I think that I have it narrowed down, but then again...I'm not definite on my decision, yet.

"T's God loves me and I'm important to Him. I'm responsible only for my problems."

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