03 December 2011


Ok...so my daughter went to a "Bible Study" group with a friend of her's this week, and yeah she had a hard time with some of the kids and had a melt down...but she handled it quite well, she went outside and got control of her emotions...

Now come to find out, the other girls were constantly laughing at her during this group meeting...which they're there to learn to be closer to God and to be more like the young people that Jesus wants them to be like....how is laughing at one of the other girl's because she's different being anything like Jesus would want them to be like. Also, come to find out...the girl who invited her, her mom got an email from the leader of this group stating that they're not supposed to be bringing outside visitors to the group meetings that they should wait until Sunday to bring outside visitors. ummm...pardon me, but if Jesus and his twelve disciples were to get together for a meeting and an outsider wanted to come visit their group to see what they were talking about/doing was all about do you think Jesus or any of them would say "no come check us out on Saturday/Sunday???" Really now?!?!?!? Then my daughter's friend got into trouble for sticking up for my daughter when the other girls were laughing at her (they work on a strike system 3 strikes you're out of the group and she got 1 that night)...really, you're going to kick a kid out of a Bible Study group??? Seriously?!?!?!? People...."Christians" like this are what make me question Christianity in general....

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